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Expert Channel Letter Sign Drawings for Sign Companies - Offered Nationwide!

Electrical sign design is different from many other sign renderings that we do. Good examples are the channel letter sign drawings that we offer to sign companies nationwide.

Understanding the Customer’s Options

Illuminated letters are identity signs and there are typically four styles of channel letters that your sign shop customer may choose from.

Channel Letter Sign Drawings for Law Firms

Front-lit. In this example, the light escapes through the fronts. The letters themselves are manufactured from aluminum that is shaped into the font the customer specifies. Polycarbonate or acrylic painted in the customer’s colors closes up the fronts.

Reverse lit. You might also refer to it as halo-lit. In this case, the fronts are closed with painted aluminum and the backs with transparent polycarbonate. Mounting the signs with standoffs from the wall makes it possible for the illumination to reflect off the substance and create an attractive halo effect. You can play around with the intensity of the halo by changing the length of the standoffs.

Combination. Some customers like the idea of having both types of channel letters. It is possible to accommodate their tastes by mounting the style elements accordingly and placing additional LEDs inside the letters.

Open-face. You will likely not get many orders for the open-faced design. However, it does bear mentioning since it is a viable option. These signs allow the lighting elements to display for customers to see. The open-face name is slightly misleading since the letters are closed with clear acrylic in the front. For these signs, customers typically prefer neon lights as opposed to LEDs.

Installation Proposals

Channel Letter Sign Drawings Nationwide

Nine times out of ten, the customer asks for front-lit channel letters that are installed flush to the wall. However, there are times when this is not possible. For example, when the installer cannot access the back of the letters from behind the façade, it is impractical to proceed in this way.

Sometimes, there are lease restrictions. A management company may not like the idea of having multiple holes drilled into its building façade. These are all situations that your sign shop needs to investigate before commissioning the drawings. A good-quality site survey will do so.

Look at the façade and verify its material. Take measurements to determine the right height of the signage based on customer traffic in the area. Most importantly, find out what access to the electrical components might be like. If there are any questions about whether installers can access the letters from behind, it may be safer to propose another installation method.

For example, the customer may request that the letters be mounted to the top of an overhang. Another option, in addition to the building flush mount, is the raceway display. It is an elongated box that contains all the electrical components. With the help of a custom-matched paint sample, it is possible to hide the box in plain sight. Mount the letters to the front, and few people will even notice that it is there.

Another option is the panel mount. In this scenario, the customer decides to have the letters mounted to a panel that then goes on the façade. Some customers like this idea because it allows for a custom-shaped back panel. Others need the board as a color buffer to prevent like tones from minimizing the effectiveness of the channel letters.

Technical Drawings Address All Aspects of the Sign’s Proposed Presentation

Examples of Channel Letter Sign Drawings

With this many variables in place, it makes sense that our expert channel letter sign drawings focus intently on the finished product your customer wants to see. We factor in the installation method, the overall dimensions of the product, and side views for clarity. Contact us today to find out more about your options when commissioning sign drawings for your customers.

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